July 2021 Picturing Paradise
July 2, 2021- July 31, 2021

Picturing Paradise:

Cuadros by the Peruvian Women of Pamplona Alta


Cuadros are embroidered and appliquéd fabric pictures created by women of Compacto Humano and Manos Ancashinas, two art cooperatives located in Pamplona Alta, a shantytown situated on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. This project, which in part, evolved into an exhibition, features the work of these women, placing emphasis on them as artists and the way their art reflects creativity, resilience, and hope despite the harsh conditions of their lives.


The exhibition is the result of three separate research trips that included three different commissioned art projects, consisting of approximately 30 pieces. Hopes and Dreams (January 2006) depict each woman’s personal aspirations for herself, for her family or for the world. Inspirations and Motivations (January 2007) illustrate narratives about each woman’s life and the individuals and the communities that sustain her. ¿Quien soy yo?/Who am I?, (July 2008), brings to light each woman as an individual and at the same time, the interconnectedness of her life in relationship to others. Through the cuadros, the women’s stories are visually expressed, highlighting memories of their past lives and the realities of their present experiences. The exhibition attempts to raise awareness of the beauty and the creativity that persists, despite the challenges that exist for these women. Moreover, it is a means to direct attention to their “voices” and insights, illuminating their message of hope and vision of a world they desire to shape.

Hopes and Dreams


Artists of the Hopes and Dreams Collection: 

Haydee Delgado Quispe, Enma Principe Liñan, &Fidencia Liñan Retuerto; Cila Montesinos, Mirtha Aliaga Montesinos, & Isabel Principe Liñan;  Jacqueline Apolinar Castillo, Veronica Principe Liñan, & Maribel Aliaga Montesinos; Teresa Condori Vega, Rosa Cordova Cervantes, & Karina Heredia Vela; Ana Salazar, Julia Liñan Retuerto, &Lucy Garcia Corahua

Inspiration and Motivation


Artists of the Inspiration and Motivation Collection:

Top Row: Teresa Condori Vega; Mirtha Aliaga Montesinos, Veronica Principe Liñan, & Cila Montesinos; Isabel Principe Liñan; and Fidencia Retuerto Liñan

Bottom Row: Rosa Cordova Cervantes; Karina Heredia Vela; Juliana Liñan Retuerto; Haydee Delgado Quispe; and Enma Principe Liñan

¿Quién Soy Yo? (Who Am I?)

Artists of the Who Am I? Collection:

Top Row: Rosa Fernandez & Veronica Principe Liñan; Marina Yapo Huanca, Antonia Quispe Carapi,& Roxana Zamora Carapi; Enma Principe Liñan & Amalia Guerra Gonzales; and Cila Montesinos & Fidencia Principe Liñan

Bottom Row: Laura Gomez Aviles & Flor  Principe Liñan; Milagros Aliaga Montesinos, Hilda Algoner Condori, & Ana Peres Salazar; and Alicia Yapo Huanca & Jaqui Apolinar Castillo

Additional Cuadros

Large Cuadros


Artists of Additional Large Cuadros:        

Top Row: Triptych of Botanica, Selva, and Puna;  Compacto Humano "Selva/Jungle," Manos Ancashinas "Huascaran National Park,"

Bottom Row:  Veronica Principe Liñan "Botanica," Veronica Principe Liñan "Puna," Compacto Humano "Paisaje Peruano/Peruvian Landscape"

Additional Cuadros

Dual Hung Cuadros


Artists of Additional Dual Cuadros:

Top Row: Manos Ancashinas "Protesta-Selva"; Grupo Compacto Humano  "Matrimonio/Marriage"; Lucia  Garcia  and Mirtha Montesinos  "Huelga/Strike-Vaso de Leche";  Fidencia Principe Liñan      "Baile/Dance-Las Pallas"

Middle Row: Jacqueline Apolinar Castillo "Mujeres Trabajando";  Veronica Liñan & Miriam Principe   "Granja/Farm"; Enma Principe Liñan    "Colegio Andino/Andean School";

Bottom Row: Nancy Rojas   "Mercado/Market"; Nancy Rojas  "Cosecha/Harvest"; Cila Montesinos  "Compacto Humano-Workshop"

For more information please check out the links below

ConVida: http://www.convida.org/